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Production process of solder wire

(1)."Alloy fusion" and "casting"

"Alloy fusion" refers to the type of metal in a certain proportion of melting, impurity and make the required alloy process. In the actual operation, often in the completion of the fusion at the same time to start the "casting", "casting" refers to the fusion of good alloy into the mold, generally cylindrical type, so some people call this semi-finished product as "tin cylinder", "tin cylinder" length, thickness of the press machine inlet conditions, in order to be more conveniently placed in the extruder


Throughout the production process of the solder wire, the reason for the extrusion process is designated as a special process, because in the entire production process, extrusion is a key link, if there is a defect in the squeeze or hidden trouble, will directly lead to solder wire product defects, And the existence of this kind of hidden trouble is often in the back drawing process is no way to compensate, and sometimes can not be found. Therefore, in order to ensure the production of high-quality products, extrusion process control is very necessary.


In the general production line of solder wire, after the extruder general configuration of three to four sets of wire drawing machine; The first wire drawing machine is also weigh pull or a pull, the wire into the mold diameter of about 9mm-10mm with the extruder thread diameter consistent, pull the completion can reach 5mm, two pull-off range from 5mm to 2mm, The three-position drawing range can be from 2mm to 1mm, if you need to pull a finer wire four pull to complete, four-pull position depending on the mode of installation can be pulled to 0.6 MM or 0.5mm solder wire; If you need to pull out 0.5mm solder wire, the current domestic wire drawing equipment can do is not too much, can be very good pull out more fine solder wire, in addition to the high requirements of the equipment, mold and the quality of the drawing oil is also very high requirements.


The early traditional hand winding, has been replaced by automatic winding machine, in the operation of automatic winding machine winding smooth, can count the number of laps, production speed is also a rapid. Winding sometimes can also appear around the bad situation, the main reason for the winding is uneven or the edge of the tin spool uneven, when the tin wire around the edge of the spool when the speed is bouncing back far away from the distance, resulting in a groove at the shaft edge position.

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